Saturday, June 12, 2010

June 13, 2010

WOWZAS! Beautiful Bride.


June 12, 2010

I photographed two weddings today....what a DAY! It feels like I just lived two or three days in a single day, strange feeling. So now I'm just looking through some of my favorites from the day and this one is at the top. Scott and Keely, congratulations! (Oh and for those who are wondering, that is a giant popcorn hanging from the ceiling)


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9, 2010

Via Vandi Jewelry, a new client and the jewelry is baller, that's the only term I can think of to descibe it. You know, this straight product photography with the extracted background is harder than any portrait or photo journalism or any other type of photography. You might not believe it but in my opinion this type of photography requires more real techinical photography skills than any other. I should do a toutorial, I have tired every means possible to find short cuts to doing it but there are none, it's lighting and photoshop advanced level, it's pretty tedious really but I guess I'm happy as long as there is a photo involved.




Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1, 2010

I did some engagement portraits this morning. Such a cute couple and such beautiful texas landscape. You know what the cool thing about working with people who are about to get married is? They are happy, I enter thier lives when they are at thier best and get to share in it for a minute. Pretty cool.


