Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Aug. 24, 2010

This project has taken over my whole life and my apartment I might add, almost done though, only 26 more to go. This month has been the busiest month I've had this year and I'm greatful, I'm not complaining but wow juggeling five clients at once has been a new challange for me, luckily some of my clients are the nicest people on the planet and I work hard for them and they know it so they don't sweat me about a deadline being a little extended. Anyways, better get back to work.


Monday, August 23, 2010

Aug. 23, 2010

I did a wedding on Saturday at the Hotel Granduca and it was truly exquisite and the staff could not have been more accommodating. When the backdrop for a wedding is really nice than the photographer's job is made very easy, I mean no matter what you make it work but when the location is really nice than it's just such a walk in the park.



